Program Rules

Lifeline is only available to subscribers who can prove their eligibility. When you apply for Lifeline, you must show proof of participation in a qualifying program or proof of income.

Every year, USAC will check to confirm you still qualify. If we cannot confirm you qualify, you will receive a letter in the mail and may also receive reminders by mail or pre-recorded messages on your phone. If you are asked to recertify, you must do so within 60 days, or you will lose your Lifeline benefit.

If you change your address, no longer qualify for Lifeline, or more than one person in your household gets Lifeline, notify your company within 30 days.

Only one discount is allowed per household. A “household” is a group of people who live together and share income and expenses.

If your Lifeline service is free, you must use it at least once every 30 days to maintain your service. If you don’t, you will get a 15-day notice to use it or it will get turned off.
It is against the law to lie on any Lifeline-related forms or questionnaires.